
Produzione scalogno - Fratelli BiscoSHALLOTS (Allium Ascalonicum L.), like GARLIC (Allium Sativum L.), are members of the Liliaceae family and are used more and more often to replace onion in recipes.

Shallots, like garlic, are packaged in our plant with electronic scales and packaging machines. We make two kinds of packages (Net Bag and Vert-Bag) of two different weights (250 and 500 g). We market shallots from Italy and abroad. We check and select them according to their varieties and production criteria. As we do for garlic, we can make customised packages of shallots according to the customers' needs. We can use the customers' labels, EAN codes and packaging materials.

Here are some of our packages:

  • 250-500 g net bag with flag label.
  • Vert-Bag (250-500 g, new package)
Produzione scalogno - Fratelli Bisco
Produzione scalogno - Fratelli Bisco
Produzione scalogno - Fratelli Bisco
Shallots in a vert-bag, 500 g
Shallots in a vert-bag, 500 g
Shallots in a vert-bag, 500 g
Produzione scalogno - Fratelli Bisco
Shallots in a net bag, 250 g .
Our products
We import garlic from Italian manufacturers and assemble.
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We import garlic from Italian manufacturers and assemble
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We sell pumpkins in different varieties.
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Per ricevere le nostre migliori offerte
F.lli Bisco s.n.c. di Bisco p.a. Raimondo & C.
45011 Bellombra di Adria - Via Marcanta, 18 - ROVIGO - ITALIA
Tel. +39 0426 43297 - Fax +39 0426 993818 - Email:
P.iva e Cod. Fisc. 01006180291 - c.c.i.a.a. Rovigo N. 108875
Copyright 2010 F.lli Bisco snc - Tutti i diritti sono riservati - Credits: realizzazione siti web